Utility Department

Water Meter

To Start Utility Services

The following steps will help you set up your utility service:

Complete and sign our New Service Application, for utility service. (This can be found online on our website, it can either be e-mailed to utilityclerk [at] eaglelakefl.gov (utilityclerk[at]eaglelakefl[dot]gov) once it has been completed, or you can bring it into the office)

Supply a legible copy of your drivers license or state issued identification card, for each applicant and co-applicant. 

Supply a signed copy of your Special Corporate Warranty Deed (if you have purchased the property), or a signed copy of your rental agreement.

Pay the deposit based on your soft credit check. 

Paying Your Utility Bill

You can make your payment in person using cash, check, money order, or credit card at the City of Eagle Lake Administration Building, located at 75 N. Seventh Street. Customers are also able to view and pay their bill online as well. Just visit eaglelake.authoritypay.com to register. Each customer will be asked for their account number and CID. These numbers are located on the customer's bill or can be obtained by contacting City Hall at (863) 293-4141.

A customer drop box is also available for payment by check or money order, located near the front steps of the Administration Building. Payments placed in the customer drop box after 3 p.m. will be credited to your account on the next business day.

Customers are also encouraged to complete a Direct Debit Authorization Form and turn it into the Utility Department, and we will automatically take your payment out of your checking/savings account ON the due date each month.


Sewer Credits


The City of Eagle Lake allows a sewer credit for the following two reasons: water service leak and pool fills. This service is available to all residents who are connected to City Sewer. Sewer credits are not guaranteed, nor granted due to the following reasons: leaks where water enters the sanitary sewer system (leaking toilets/faucets, etc.), water used for irrigation, negligent, or undetermined use of water. If an adjustment is available, the credit will only apply to a portion of the sewer usage charge. Unfortunately, water usage is not eligible for adjustments, even if the increased usage is a result of the above mentioned items.

Please submit your Sewer Adjustment Request by downloading the "Sewer Adjustment Request Form" or the "Pool Fill Credit Request"  and e-mailing us at utilityclerk [at] eaglelakefl.gov (utilityclerk[at]eaglelakefl[dot]gov) during the time allotted (30 days). You may also call our Utilities Department, and find out other ways you can get the forms. See the below for more information: 

  • Once the request has been received, the Utility Department will determine whether water usage has returned to the account’s normal usage rate. If it has, Staff will calculate an average sewer bill (based on the consumption of the six months previous to the event) Depending on the circumstances, the credit may not be available.
  • Receipts and pictures must be provided if a plumber's bill is not available.
  • Failure to pay the actual sewer bill in anticipation of the credit could result in termination of water service.

Frequently Asked Questions

Customer Service Supervisor
863-293-4141 (Option 1)
Customer Service Representative